An Enchanting Adventure in Sukhiya and Tales: The Realm of Adventures by Shreya Tewari

Exclusive National Success Story World

New Delhi (India), February 14: The New Delhi Book Fair was a bustling gathering with a vibrant celebration of all things literary, drawing in book lovers from every corner. Within this lively atmosphere of ideas and creativity, Clever Fox Publishing stood proud, offering a stage for talented writers to shine, including the enchanting tale Sukhiya and Tales by Shreya Tewari.

Readers are taken to the fictional village of Katwapur, where the boundaries between reality and fiction become hazy as the friendship between Taarika and her caretaker, Sukhiya, grows. The author’s captivating story, Sukhiya and Tales, revolves around Taarika, an adolescent who must navigate the intricacies of life with Sukhiya. Taarika embarks on an exciting voyage full of adventures and deep life lessons thanks to Sukhiya’s creative narration. Along the way, she meets many interesting people, including the brave rural girl Moly.

As the author of Quiet Echoes and Imagination Takes Flight, Shreya Tewari captivates readers with Sukhiya and Tales, a collection of heartwarming stories that skillfully combine the magic of Katwapur with the observation and imagination of her unique style. Freshly launched, Sukhiya and Tales: The Realm of Adventures invites readers to go on an extraordinary, adventurous trip. Accompany Taarika as she delves into the fascinating realm of Katwapur and solves the riddles surrounding Sukhiya’s stories.