Ayushiya Herbals India – A Herbal Heaven

Celebrities Fashion News Success Story

We are pleased to introduce the company P Veerappa Pillai TraditionalpharmaceuticalsSalem ,Tamilnadu. We are proud to inform the people that thecompany which is old and rich in tradition in name itself (Phala -old) is goingtowardsitscentenarycelebrations .Thecompanyhascrossed 3generations.

P veerapp pillai company was started in 1927 by our grandfather herbalist”Cheron mani” venerableP. VeerappaPillai atSalemdistrictTamil Nadu
hewasagreatherbalist, wholivedbydoingherbalmedicine, spiritualeducationand public services.

His service and glory of making herbal medicine spread inand aroundSalemand the same alsospread abroad.

After his demise our father late Dr P.VBalasubramaniyam continued thisgreatherbalservice.HeheldgovernmentregisteredmedicaldegreesinSiddha
,Ayurveda, homeopathy and Unani and operated with the highest standards andregulations. He worked for good selection of herbal remedies he acted as thearchitect of the company which was started for a high ambition of promotingherbal medicine.


The company works with five different features spirituality, Music, Organicfood, Herbsand Publishingspiritualbooks.

The company works effectively because of benefits of experience and maturityand the purpose of serving people .Customers who have seen our services areverysurprisedtheyappreciateushappily.


Thecompanyworkswith5 different features

(1) spirituality (2) music (3) organic food (4)Herbs(5) publishing spiritualbooks.

Spirituality :

Music :-Weteach DevaramMethodically.
Organicfood :-weprepareorganicmillet powders.
Herbs :-Wedistributeherbs
Publication :- wecirculateThiruvasagambooksatlower costs.

In today’s modern age of high speed internet and worldwidecommunicationpeoplecaneasilygetalltheinformationtheyneedthroughtheirmobilephone andgettoknowthe benefitsof herb.

The interest in using herbal products is increasing nowadays. People areeagerly looking for quality natural herbal .Who is giving such good naturalproducts?Noanswerfor this….

Our P. Veerappa Pillai company fullfills even the smallest need of thepeople.Itaimstoservethe peoplebetter.Herbalproductsaresometimesinshort supply. Despite various risks like price rise we continue to providesatisfactory service to the people at low cost. Therefore through this message wecordially invitethe public to contact our company and buy high quality herbalproducts fromusandreapthe benefits.

All doctors (Siddha Ayurveda naturopathy Unani ) owners of herbalbeauty salons, students who want to study herbalism, vendors selling herbs,herbal import & export ,farmers who want to grow herbs, organic farmersorganic stores, vendors who are selling food without poison ,planningconsultantsforherbaldevelopmentworkpeoplewhowanttoknowaboutherbalhealth,natural life ,foodismedicinewegive best guidelines.

People who have purchased Pooja items were benefited from us and theyareveryhappywithitshighquality.

We cordially invite all those who perform Pooja and Velvi according topanniruthirumurai. We also invite Vedic teachers, priests who have studiedVedas and also who wanted to sell Pooja products with quality and service ,wealso invitethegeneralpublicfor the same.

AYUSH commission of the central government is functioning effectivelyasdirectedbyourhonorableprime minister. As a mark of expansion andservingthepeople,theIndianmedicalsectorisverybeneficialtothepeople.Onbehalf of our company we sincerely thank you for this .The director of thecompany also informed that Ayushiya herbal India private limited has beenstarted in 2021 as per government guidelines to provide comprehensive herbalservicetothepeopleandmeet the growingherbalneeds.

We warmly welcome all people to avail our best herbal services.let’s admire nature with the joy!
(PhalaVeerappa pillai)
161 / 445 Chinna kadai street.,Salem–636001 .Tamil NaduIndia.
Email id : [email protected]:+919994037121