Aditii Parnaik Sharma Psychic Tarot Card Reader Numerologist, Law of Attraction Coach, Happiness Life Coach, Mindfulness Expert, Councelor

Aditii Parnaik Sharma Psychic Tarot Card Reader Numerologist, Law of Attraction Coach, Happiness Life Coach, Mindfulness Expert, Councelor


Madhya Pradesh (India), June 11: Born in Madhya Pradesh, in a family of soldiers, Aditii’s childhood was filled with playfulness, friends and frequent change in locations due to her father’s postings. This entailed travelling to different parts of the country and changing schools frequently. The assortment of school mates, locals and those on the move like her, from across the country provided a good understanding of what Bharat is. Frequent outings and adventure camps served to develop a love for nature and define a conforming concept of finding comfort in whatever the situation provided.

The Adventure Course in 1995 at Nehru Institute of Mountaineering (NIM) was natural fallout. Even though not being among older of the over 56 participants, she proved herself in rock climbing, rappelling and also handled responsibility of Patrol Leader, eventually securing an awardee position for herself amongst the course participants. For a cheerful, articulate and happy youngster what came out of all this was development of confidence in oneself, being self-reliant and understanding Teamwork.

Aditii always knew she would do something to make her existence meaningful. Her purpose of life has always been helping the world in her own special way and making the ones around her, happy. On graduation she secured a position in an MNC and her performance earned her recognition as an international achiever. Her marriage relocated her where she took up an assignment with another Corporate. Soon she was handling the office mostly by herself and took up the task of motivating and training graduates to opt for and take up a corporate job. Owing to her husband’s posting she had to relocate to a different city.

After she completed her MBA, her desire to learn and acquire knowledge took her through a number of wide-ranging courses. Her love for a career in acting saw her completing a course in the subject. Notwithstanding her commitments in the family as an Army wife and mother, she managed to follow up with work on the television and playing lead in episodics. One of her Voice- over Ads released in four different countries abroad, while the other was for the esteemed, “National Chemical Laboratory’, Pune. Though there have been several opportunities that came up, they could not be taken up owing to her family commitments. Her book, “She started at 34!” is on Amazon and talks of her journey to become an Actor.

On the family front, a challenge was slowly becoming evident. Her baby son was growing up but was not beginning to speak as usually children do. As months passed and a year, her concerns grew. Having recognised the problem, she put herself to address it. Educating herself and looking after her son with patience, love and care, she reached out to family members, teachers, councillors and his friends to ensure he got the right environment. The struggle was full of ups and downs and unending stress.

Often, individuals and authorities were not sensitive to the situation. Getting them to understand the problem at hand and how important their role was in tackling it, brought good results. This was a good insight into how much community and society at large can help in such cases. The enormous effort that went into handling this challenge is evident from the fact that today, the boy is studying in a boarding school, well-adjusted and keen participant in all activities. This also brought to her notice the travails of parents and children so affected, eventually leading her to take up a Masters in Psychology.

In 2018 she shifted to Pune. There were a large number of ladies, children and elderly family members as also a considerable number of maids and their families who made up the population of the complex where she stayed. When the secretary of the society moved out to rejoin her husband, Aditii was nominated to take over from her. Given her zeal, social outlook and desire to maintain a functional standard of all facilities there, she interacted with members of the society and took up pending issues in right earnest.

Then Covid 19 struck. The sudden clamping down of free movement and supplies getting affected hit daily life. Media reports of casualties put the scare in everyone’s mind. Conditions kept worsening. The elderly and children were vulnerable and especially required to be careful. Other adults were no better. Everyone was home bound. With time normal life got impacted seriously. Rations ran out, the sick had to be taken to the hospital, deliveries of mothers-to-be were due, with everyone at home and stressed due to severe restrictions, tempers rose.