Breaking Barriers: Neelam Mandale’s Inspirational Rise in the World of CAD Services

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From the heart of Nashik to the bustling business world, Neelam Shirish Mandale has carved her niche in the competitive realm of CAD training services, emerging as a celebrated Business Manager. Neelam, a proficient Civil Engineer and an alumnus of Gokhale College of Engineering, stepped into the professional domain on the 2nd of August, 2018, merging her profound technical knowledge with her fervor for sales.

Neelam’s relentless dedication and exceptional work ethic have maintained her company’s zenith position in the CAD business sector, marking it as No. 1 franchise centre for several years.

Neelam’s journey is adorned with the encouragement and guidance of her mentors and peers. Kaustubh Panse stands out as a significant mentor, whose wisdom and continuous support have been pillars in shaping Neelam’s vision and strategies. Tejas Joshi has been a constant, a companion in solitude, fostering strength and resilience, while Rahul Patankar’s relentless enthusiasm has been key in achieving collective success.

The subsequent guidance from mentors like Pooja Lupane and Kaushal Mishra has further honed Neelam’s professional perspectives and approaches, aligning them with the paradigm of success.

Neelam’s inspiring modus operandi in sales has made her a beacon for her contemporaries. She was specially invited to the Entrepreneur Summit in Mumbai, a testament to her unparalleled achievements throughout the year. Her speech radiated waves of motivation, painting her journey with strokes of ambition and inspiration for sales professionals across the spectrum.

Neelam Shirish Mandale’s story, originating from the bylanes of Nashik to being a sought-after Business Manager and a distinguished figure at prestigious summits, is a rich tapestry of resilience, dedication, and learning. It serves as a beacon, illuminating the path for professionals, particularly those in their thirties, steering through the intricate corridors of the corporate world.