Ankita Jadhav, a talented Telugu actress, has taken her first step into the world of Bollywood with the release of her debut song, ‘Chal Chalen Aashman Pe.’ Directed by Sujit Mondal and produced by Akash Jadhav and KK Reddy under the banner of Adonai Pictures Creation, the music video has garnered significant attention since its release. The song features Ankita Jadhav alongside Navee Rautela, an actor who beautifully complements her in their on-screen chemistry. Together, they bring life to the mesmerizing melody and captivating visuals of ‘Chal Chalen Aashman Pe.’
The storyline of the music video revolves around a beautiful girl dressed in a wedding gown, as she approaches her groom who eagerly awaits her near a waterfront. As she walks towards him, a flood of memories overwhelms her, reminiscing about their moments of love, stargazing under the open sky, witnessing breathtaking sunsets, and even the occasional arguments they had. The video leaves viewers in suspense, wondering if the girl will finally unite with her lover or if unexpected obstacles lie ahead. To unveil the conclusion of this captivating tale, one must watch ‘Chal Chalen Aashman Pe.’
The music and lyrics of the song, composed by Rangon with lyrics by Rangon and Shiv, are enchanting and soulful. The collaboration between singers June Banerjee and Rangon has resulted in a melodious and memorable performance that resonates with listeners. The video’s scenic locations and visually appealing cinematography further enhance the overall charm of the song.
Ankita Jadhav’s performance in the music video showcases her exceptional acting skills. Having previously played the lead role in the Marathi film “Amcha Nadi Lagu Naka,” Ankita’s talent and versatility shine through in her portrayal. Her successful journey in the Telugu film industry as a lead actress has already established her as a promising talent.
The release of ‘Chal Chalen Aashman Pe’ marks a significant milestone in Ankita Jadhav’s acting career as she ventures into the Bollywood industry. The positive response from viewers reflects the anticipation surrounding her future endeavors. Fans eagerly await her upcoming Telugu movie “Indrani” and her next acting projects, including the song “Rehnuma,” where she will be seen alongside Ayush Khatri. Directed by Sumedh Jagtap and produced by Kailash Productions, this upcoming romantic song is expected to captivate audiences with its heartfelt emotions. In addition, Ankita has another exciting video song lined up, adding to the anticipation and excitement among her fans.
Ankita Jadhav’s debut as an actress in the Bollywood music scene not only showcases her innate talent but also highlights her versatility as an artist. Her seamless transition from regional cinema to Bollywood is a testament to her dedication and passion for her craft. With her captivating screen presence and a promising future ahead, Ankita Jadhav is undoubtedly a rising star in the entertainment industry.
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